Sunday, June 18, 2006

Goodby Panda!!!!

This is Radr with a quik note abot my freind, Panda.

Iv had Panda as a toy fur a long time. Mom throes him, and I bring him bak!

Today I chood off his leg and pulld out his stufing. It wuz fun!

I hop I git a nu Panda. My brithday is offishly June 30th, and I lik presints!



Schna said...

Happy birthday Radar! I hope you got your new Panda!

Greta and Waddles! said...

I had a good brithday! I got nu chooeys, and three stufft amnals: Bone, Blue Bear, and Circle. I lik Bone best!

and I like brithday!
