Monday, February 26, 2007

Open Letter

Dear Ex-Fiancee,

Asalaamu alaykum. I hope that you are well.

I'm sure, if you are reading this at all, that you disapprove of my writing to you in this way.

It's only that I wanted to thank you. Yes, our relationship ended badly. But in the process of knowing and losing you, I learned some important lessons about myself. I've grown closer to God (although not in the way that you wanted). I learned that I could be loved for myself, in all of my ridiculousness and passion and error. I learned that I could not compromise myself--not for love, not for you, not for anyone.

You taught me what it means to love, even though, at the end, you did so through lessons in opposites.

If I had not been so miserable, so alone, as a result of your decisions, I could not be so surprised at my happiness today.

Today I am happy. Even if it doesn't last, I'm happy--within myself, and in my relationships with those around me.

And I wish for as much happiness to come to you, with all my heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you go girl. sounds healthy