Monday, April 21, 2008

For Those Who Are Wondering...

I decided not to go to Nebraska next year, but did take full advantage of my deferment option.

In the final analysis, it made the most sense to take some poverty-reducing measures this year, and petition for funding from every possible department in the winter.

And, perhaps, to apply to a few other programs.

Or do something entirely unacademic.

Or marry a rich man, as my grandmother always dreamed I would.

See here, Nebraska. The world is full of possibilities for me. Of all of them, you were the only one that would cost me.

Perhaps next year will find me hidden in the corn.

Perhaps not.

Commenters should feel free to offer crazy suggestions for what you think I might do with myself. The crazier the better.

I'm all ears (bad corn pun not intended, I swear).


Hrach_Garden said...

Come live with us and be a nanny to the baby so he can absorb some of your smartiness and creativity. Oh, and so we can hang out and go for walks and things.

Unknown said...

Ditto. Except closer to Nebraska.

Greta and Waddles! said...

I see a theme here. I do enjoy a good baby. (begins to pack up belongings)

The only idea I've had is to get a job waitressing at Hooters as a sociological experiment. I guess being a nanny would make my mom a little happier.

Schna said...

running off and joining the circus is always an option. seriously, i know someone who did that. i always sort of thought it was a figure of speech, but i guess not. anyway, the person i know had no specific circus-type skills, but she R-U-N-N-O-F-T anyway.