Sunday, January 21, 2007

Five Months Later...

Every time I try to write in my blog, I'm afraid that I'll regret what I write. I suppose when that happens, you get a five month gap.

Hence, this is the fourth attempt in the last hour to say what I want to say, and I think, as a compromise, I'll just avoid what's really on my mind by discussing my latest musical purchase instead.

Have you ever listened to the Decemberists? I just bought The Crane Wife on sale, after having purchased their previous recording for Significant Person on the basis of "The Engine Driver." The rest of that CD was kind of ambling, but this new one is quite arresting. Each song is completely distinct from the others, but there isn't a dull moment here.

The entire Crane Wife song sequence deals with a man who finds an injured crane, rehabilitates and marries her, then forces her to weave until (unbeknownst to him) she almost kills herself.

Then, the crane leaves him.

Or dies. It's kind of ambiguous.

Sometimes the stories that begin with the most promise don't end that way.

In completely unrelated news (since I'm not discussing my more largely looming issue), I accidentally vacuumed a sock today while cleaning, and the sock is lodged in my vacuum hose. I've tried to dislodge it with a clothes hanger to no avail. I'm open to suggestions...


Greta and Waddles! said...

On reflection, this part in the lyric about the crane lying under a "shroud" probably suggests that she's dead.

Very uplifting, the Decemberists.

They're making me feel much better. I should send them fan mail.

And so should you!

Greta and Waddles! said...

Thanks for the advice, Attic Man.

Actually, I've tried a broom handle, yard stick, and an unbent clothes hanger. I'm going back to the clothes hanger tonight to see if I can turn it into an impromptu hook.

Stupid socks!