Tuesday, February 06, 2007

There is Always Reason to Hope.

One of the joys of being student council advisor at my school is the organization of candy-grams. Here are the (essential) contents to two cards, each sent from the same child to the same recipient, that we read while previewing them for negative or derogatory comments.

First card:

I wanted to ask you out today but I was too scared. I hope that you will think about it. I really like you.

Second card:

I'm sending you this card to make sure that I get my point across.
A little obsessive, but you have to admire the persistence.

I remember when the possibility of falling in love had all of that same sharpness, all of that danger.

Unfortunately, it was today.

Here's hoping that all works out well for the middle school lovers, and the rest of us.


Steve said...

That seems to be going around these days. Best of luck.

Greta and Waddles! said...


Greta and Waddles! said...

Oddly enough, it's unsettling (in a good way) to think that there are people out there who actually like me. Losing The Ex makes me feel like I'm living in a glass case all the time.

I'll be in town on the weekend of March 3 for a certain wedding reception. (Is it rude to ask the bride and groom if The Ex RSVPed?)

I'll have to track you down. We need to talk!

Greta and Waddles! said...

I know that The Ex was invited separately.

It probably doesn't matter, though, does it? I can be friendly and confident if he shows up or not.

Boy, am I ever glad that I had this pep talk with myself.